What To Do If You’re Hit By An Uninsured Driver!

A car accident will almost always take you by surprise. Don’t let the other driver’s insurance (or lack thereof) be a surprise either. What do you do if someone without car insurance hits you?

New Hampshire and Virginia are the only states that don’t require any car insurance. Every other state at least requires some minimum coverage. But, even though it’s required, there’s a higher-than-expected chance of getting into an accident with an uninsured driver. There are things to do right after getting in the accident—here are four important steps you should take.

Step One

As with any car accident, you will want to call the police as soon as possible. For an accident with an uninsured driver, having a police officer on the scene is even more important. Without one, you won’t get a police report. And, without a police report, you’ll miss out on a vital piece in the puzzle towards getting your expenses covered and making the claims process smoother.

Step Two

Though the uninsured driver may mean well, don’t accept any money they may offer you. Unfortunately, they may face fines for driving without car insurance and will want you not to call the police or alert your insurance, requiring their cooperation. However, especially if the accident is fairly serious, you have no idea the cost of damages and injuries. So, if you want to use your insurance, you shouldn’t accept their offer.

Step Three

You’d usually swap insurance information with the other driver in an accident. With an uninsured driver, you will still want to swap information. This includes vehicle details like the type of car they drive, license plate number, VIN, and important contact information. And, if there are witnesses, ask for their contact information as well because it may greatly help your insurance claims process.

Step Four

You’ll also want to take note of information important to the scene, including the time, date, location, and the name and badge number of the responding officer. Any details that may be helpful to the claims process should be noted. Taking pictures may be the most helpful, especially in a fast-paced and stressful situation where important information may be misheard, miswritten, or mistaken.

Keeping The Road Under Control—Call Secure Insurance Group

You’ve taken the first step towards being a safe, informed, and insured driver. Now all you need is a quality car insurance policy. To see what options are available, call Secure Insurance group at 1-877-871-7328.